May 22, 2011

MOTHERS DAY CALL!!! email form May 2, 2011

Hi, remember that one time that we can skype again in T-minus 6 days?!?!?!
So here´s the dealio, I will be on a skype mostly capable comp unless
y´all want to talk instead...this time I would have a for sure
functioning camera.......
7 o´clock my time sound good? If so, it´s a date!! Your time....4? I
have a phone number but only for MY church building which is where we
will be calling my comp´s fam around 5ish......I´ll try and get the
other church´s number for you but no promises....

No the real email:

Hna Salas has left me..... :( I miss her so much already. I learned to
love her in all her crazy ways. She is honestly a life-changing
example for me. She told me the things like they are without any
sugar-coating....ever. Always direct and frank. I love her and wish
her all the best for her new area in BS AS! She left this morning on
the same plane that brought my new comp HNA CAMPOS!!!!!!!!!!! hahah
another Chilena :) no joke. I love it though. I was hoping, wishing,
praying for another latino comp if Hna Salas left so that my spanish
wouldn´t go down at all. I LOVE Hna Campos!!! I had met her and talked
a few times in the reunions in BS AS and now we´re companions! LOVE
She is a doll, i love her sense of humor already and she sings all the
time! In a sweet, disney princess way. Hahaha maybe i think that
because I heard her singing and humming while scrubbing the toilet and
tub. Very ´Enchanted¨ hum, a little working la la
Hnos Urquia (nuestro líder misional y su esposa la pres de la
primaria) took us to the airport early this morning and brought us
back to the apartment.
This week had been all this culminating energy to a fantastic weekend
and then plop. CHANGE!
Familia Winter (Fernanda, my first baptism down here, Astrid and Moira
both baptized and their little bro Danko and mom, also Fernanda) were
crying so much last night when Hna Salas called to say goodbye that
they didn´t sleep a wink and all missed school. Poor girls were so
attached and the whole family will be waiting for the moment she
finishes the mission and can go and visit them again. I LOVE this
family and know the same thing will happen everytime a sister leaves.
So sad!
So we packed, talked, wrote goodbye letters, packed and talked a lot,
ate a little and got the apartment ready for a departure and arrival.
We have SO many things ahead of us this month. i know that May will be
a fantabulous and miraculous month. All of april was preparing,
challenging and guiding our investigators to this month where they
will march, head held high, dressed all in white to make sacred
covenants with the Father in the waters of baptism.
I wish i could have a way to teleport myself around rio gallegos to be
able to cut down wasted walking time. I want to be IN the
houses....(not just because I´m cold, which the cold is gone now by
the way, i´m all good. My nose runs but just because of the wind that
makes my eyes water :) ) I want to be with the people, talking to
them, helping them see that life HAS a PURPOSE and that we have a
Savior who made possible a merciful plan that we can be so
unbelievably happy we can´t even begin to imagine it now. Well, maybe
a little. Every time there is harmony and love at home, we are closer
to Him. Every time we search, study and APPLY the scriptures, we have
the Spirit with us. Every time we serve with our whole hearts and
think more of others than ourselves, it is also then that we are doing
good with the name of Christ that we took upon us the day we were
I love this gospel. I am forever grateful for the opportunity i have
to be here and to serve the Lord with all my might, mind and soul.
I love you guys,. and i would LOVE to know what is going on in ALL of
your little ones?

Well, until we talk! LOVE YOU!
Hna Gonzalez

Moroni 8:3 always is my feeling for you.

On Mother's day we were able to skype with Suzette, these are some of the pictures of the wonderful call!!

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