September 5, 2011

high di ho there good neighbors

From August 1st, 2011

Listen Folks this´ll be a super fast, hit-and-run type email I think.
We have very little time (so unusual, I know..) but this is even shorter than you think.
We have only HALF a p-day because of two things,
ONE: President is FINALLY in town (hadn´t been able to come for the volcanic ash situation) and we are having a capacitación and interviews TOMORROW in.......
Ok, look it up, google whatever because it´s a HUGE tourist town. It´s in our zone but it´s like 3ish hours away by colectivo so we never see them. We have district meetings with them on speaker phone on their cell phone :) The area was opened years ago and grows slowly but surely. Oh yeah, the Branch President out there is a convert of Elder Scott (Like the apostle), no big deal. If I’m wrong and Elder Scott didn´t serve a mission in Argentina then it´s Ballard but now I’m doubting myself....
Any who, we will be travelling tomorrow morning if weather permits HOOOORAY! Let me tell you why I’m so wicked excited......President and Sister Gulbrandsen are taking us to see the glaciers!!!!! And we would never be doing it unless Pres took us so hip hip hooray!!!!!  I will be addicted to glaciers after this. I´ve seen bunches on the OTHER side of the planet and now here??
 I´m dying of the excitement.......but then…
REASON NUMBER TWO for weird p-day and why I wish I could be more excited about Calafate.....
I´m leaving Gallegos... :( BIG SAD FACE
My zone leader told me last night and I thought he was joking. Remember how I told you this transfer was weird but I was ridiculously happy to be able to stay for a long time?? Yeah, that all came crashing down last night. E´Simper called and said he had good news and bad news. Thinking innocently that there could not be any bad news that would kill good news, I asked for the bad FIRST. I was already crying and so NOT listening when he told us that we were going to Calafate, interviews, whatever.
I love Rio Gallegos sooooo much. Not the place, per say, but the PEOPLE have won my heart. I wish I could do so much more and had such great plans and hopes for the member and investigators. There are so many less actives here that it breaks my heart. But all the people I have met will be in my heart forever. No more Ushuaia in my future though I reeeeaallly wanted to go there and breathe in the mountains.
I´ll be in Tigre (the area Hna Peña just left) very, very close to the mission offices and with Sister Whitehead! Who is my ´sister´ because she was also trained by Hna Peña. I don´t know exactly what is going on BUT Hna Whitehead is new, like new, new 6 weeks in the mission. My first yankee comp and I have to learn the area, train her AND help her learn spanish?!?! PRAY FOR ME!!!!!!!!
Ok, now this has taken too long and we´ve still got to go to the super....oops maybe I’ll write tomorrow but hey, no promises. But think of it this way, I think I’ll get packages WAAAAy sooner now instead of waiting extra in the south.
AND I´ll be able to say goodbye to Hna Campos when she leaves this next transfer!! Happiness in BS AS (Buenos Aires).
Remember folks, I’m trying to be positive about this change ESPECIALLY returning to capital where the people are busy and cold, the schedule is DIFFERENT and I will have to readjust my body clock AGAIN. And yeah....I love the South and would be happy to be ´stuck´ here a bit longer. But the Lord knows best and I will go and do what He has commanded. I know that the work will continue here and there will be much growth and that Tigre will be more beautiful blessings and miracles to be seen.
I love you my family. I always pray that the Lord is caring for you so that I don´t have to worry and be focused here. I am SOO excited for Ruth she´ll be famous in Argentina. Young people in Gallegos are youtubing her :) haha yay!! I´m so proud of my little sister and while I pray for your success I also pray that you will always remember to follow the spirit and the counsels of the parentals. May the Lord protect and guide you all. LOVE YOU MUCH
I know this Church is true with all my heart, might, and mind.
Until next that Mr. Rogers quote? I can´t think of the song he sang.......anywho you get the gist.
Hna Gonzalez

PS. are you guys still burning with summer heat because we are snowed in down here......I feel like making a snowman!!!!
PPS, heat underamour soon?!!!!?? please? and thank you!

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